How beautiful to bring a life into the world. We make the squishy, red and and pink, fleshy part, and God makes the immortal soul that makes the person he is and will become.
I wish I could hold the little guy, I'm sure I'll get my turn. Funny as it sounds, right now I can smell that fresh baby breath", fresh out of the love oven baby.
Deep breaths now, sleep sound Jr, all those ugly faces will soon be the suns your little world will revolve around. They're not so bad once you get to know them.
9 comentários:
Sweet Congrats on the baby JD!
Sweet, tx marie... Hope you get to seem'm up close soon.
out peace
me too, what up with his hair tho? I mean, its almost dirtty blond!
So?... i dont care bout the color, i just care if he has my curls or not... I'm sure it'll get darker... the midwife said its super thick for babies hair...
Yes, and take a look at those eyes! Doesn't it make you want to have one of your own?
erghhh, Hey JD, give him locks of Dred!! that will be way cool, and neve rcut them!!
awwwwhhh SO CUTE!! ILY jaydeez, congrats!
in answer to your cute but serious pic there on the right now,
as James Brown sang,
" I feel good" nananana
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