I'm learning about love lately. The genius of something so affective that even stubborn hearts and minds can still be changed threw its power. Love isn't just holding on threw a storm of adversities, but its also letting go, letting the one you want to rescue go knowing you've done everything you can; leaving them to face their maker on their own. Love is trusting the Lord for the out come knowing that he loved us first.
Love is that peace on a mother's face when all of her kids are screaming and crying in the back seat.
Love is building your life on the foundation of some one else's dreams, love is strong enough to hold some one close when they are pushing themselves over the edge. Love kisses, caresses and only sees beauty in a face that's been worn beyond repair.
I'm not an expert on love, please forgive me for being a guru. Truthfully I think I've made mistakes regarding profound love. Still it moves me deeply to see selflessness, people who smile threw adversity for the sake of their children, people who cope with emotional torture for the sake of a greater cause.
This last month I've seen and felt more love then I believe I could ever muster up myself. I fear being a good mother, a good lover, even a good friend. Still, every time I look at my own mother, my sister and my very close friends, I realize in truth they are all very much like me, and the kind of love this life demands of us is so much deeper then we ourselves could ever take credit for to begin with. Only God's love could possibly fill the void. I believe that when my family and friends have reached the end of their rope, when they look up they'll always see Jesus at the other end ready to give more slack, cause he never runs out.
I know he can do the same for me, This year I asked him for the kind of love that gives and gives. I really don't think I feel it, but I know there is more slack just waiting for me when I need it.
This year I want to love you, I want to encourage you to wait for your turn. I want to hold you when you need the comfort and let you go when you need the air. I want to trust you while I build your faith in me.
I want to admire your strength, be amazed by your beauty and thrilled for your success.
I want to do all this without sarcasm or secret contempt. I want to make you believe I admire you enough to point and laugh at you without making you feel insecure. I want to only pay you genuine complements so you wont think I'm superficial. I wont only write you, call you and satisfy you when I want something in return, you wont hear from me once a year when I need a favor.
I'll pray for you when you need prayer. I'll pay for the meal. Friends like you are a quality investment
I want to offer you all the love thats been available to me.