I went to the Cervantonio in Guanajuato. It was amazing. I prayed with only 10 people, shameful I know, some people got up to 100 saved. Well, my excuse is two of the guys I got saved were atheists and I ended up spending a lot of time with them. I hardly speak spanish but did my best. It was just the Lord they ended up praying cause half the time I didn't even know what I was saying. These are a few photos of our team. I took tons of the actual Gypsy dancing and the holly ghost sample as well as the band playing but to my total embarrassment, I was using some one Else's cam. heee.. Lucky person got some great shots! Amazing!" Love you all!
better, better, better AAAAAAh"! And now to make you laugh, my final thrust into the hearts and minds of my readers, if this doesn't move you, there is no remedy.
happy are the people who's God is the Lord.
Any one can be sad, being happy is being strong.
"the joy of the Lord is our strength".
Me: Not a party animal, I'm dancing cause no one else is. once I get the ball rolling I'll retire. If not, this could be a long night.
hate empty spaces, believe in touch so "touch me", gravitate to happy people.
Life is ironic so is the smile on my face.
greatest lesson learned "bad will be good 1 day". some how I still tend to be negative tho always hopeful.
I don't believe being serious makes anyone look more mature.
I've learned to cry without tears. I have tear glands, but they are completely unreliable. I feel 2 much yet some how people still tell me I'm cold. "try rolling ice off my back".
my greatest asset is my love for the Lord. My strongest weakness my wandering mind. I'm social but don't have many close friends. I'm cynical but still come threw for strangers & there is no limit 2 how far I'll go 4 family. I'm often taken advantage of but thats my fault. If I can't be helpful I'll feel helpless. I try not to judge and disagree with gossip. although I'm not guiltless, I will give every one a chance. The only way I cannot forgive you is if you don't want me to. The only reason you would not forgive me is if you don't want to, I'm really just all about what you want… "twinkle twinkle :D".
Lack of communication is poisonous.
If I don't live up to all the above, don't be surprised. life requires that we reinvent ourselves many times over.
My Name is Clay cause the Lord gave me a new beginning, I don't feel embarrassed by it, I'm hardly ever embarrassed. if you don't like it I'm not gonna cry, but I really think lack of respect along with lack of love is becoming more and more our biggest human flaw.
the photo shoot took about two days, we really wanted to capture a lot of smiles... Shani: now me! Clay: now me! Shani: you look silly! Clay: you ARE silly!
I have a friend, her name is Jess, she lives in Brazil, she has a blog... here.... I call it Frogi Face cause Jess makes really good frogi faces, I can't make a frogi face but I have a long tongue similar to a frogi tongue, so I use that ...
I love you Jess, miss you and all the happy people who love Jesus in Brazil!! "KG4G"